Home Positive Words Positivity Australia Found A Simple And Helpful Way To Save Water From Plastic...

Australia Found A Simple And Helpful Way To Save Water From Plastic Pollution


Experts from the Australian city of Kwinana recently introduced a new filtration framework to help solve and prevent future water contamination due to plastic garbage in the Henley Reserve. Their system is unbelievably simple and effective.

The Australian government and locals have been thrilled to see how well it’s working and to see just how many benefits their new filtration systems provide. Not only will the Henley reserve benefit from their new system, but the rivers and oceans will also be kept much, much cleaner.

The system consists of large nets placed on the outlets of drainage pipes which helps catch plastic garbage and other debris that is harmful to the environment and causes contamination.

These channels and pipes drain water from local residential areas and then pass through natural habitats in nature. The trash, litter and amount of plastic that flows down these waterways during heavy rains can be overwhelmingly harmful to local plants, wildlife and the environment.

The city authorities began this wonderful project by first installing just two nets, and they were astonished with the results: their new simple yet helpful filtration system managed to collect and prevent more than 800 pounds of garbage from contaminating the environment just within a few weeks.

When the nets become full, a truck comes down and lifts them out to be transported to a recycling center. The recycling center then sorts what is recyclable from what is non-recyclable, and the recyclable material is sent on to be re-used for future products. The nets are then put back in place on the drainage outlets and continue doing their work.

This system really beats having the plastic sit in the oceans and in the ground for over 400 years while it slowly degrades and poisons the surrounding animals and environment.

After seeing the effectiveness of their new filtration system, the Australian government decided to install these “litter traps” everywhere that they could around the city to minimize pollution and to help protect the environment.

While the manufacture and installation of the nets is not cheap, they are actually saving the city money by reducing labor costs that were previously in place to hire people to search for and pickup the litter manually; much of which was missed and left to contaminate the environment. Overall this brilliant system has turned into a profitable win-win situation for the city and for the environment.

This new simple and wonderfully beneficial filtration system proves that simple ideas can make a really big difference, and that it’s worth doing everything we can to protect our environment. Humanity needs more positive and innovative ideas like this to protect our delicate ecosystems, waterways and oceans.

Have you seen great ideas that have really helped to protect the environment?

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Have a positively incredible day!

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Photo credits: Old Castle Infrastructure, Storm Water Systems, CITY OF KWINANA / FACEBOOK
