Home Positive Words Self-Improvement Strong Women Would Rather Be Alone Than Spend Their Time With A-holes

Strong Women Would Rather Be Alone Than Spend Their Time With A-holes


Strong women aren’t afraid to be alone.

They don’t need a relationship status or someone to depend on in order to be happy and satisfied with their lives. While this sounds like a simple idea, it’s a rare characteristic, and likely has more to do with freedom than with anything else.

When dating happens based on selection rather than of a fear of loneliness, it is much more meaningful and valuable and can lead to a healthy and satisfying life. Time spent alone also becomes more valuable and fulfilling as well, as one is not stuck under the cloud of hurt or sadness that follows many who are desperate for a relationship. The benefits of being self-sufficient are numerous, and a strong level of independence is the only way to reach a healthy interdependent relationship anyway.

Of course it’s much easier to want to be a strong woman, than it is to walk the talk and to actually be one. Strong women must be able to stay committed to honesty, and be able to recognize when another person tries to deceive them. Many desire a strong woman as a partner, and will promise the moon and the stars in order to try and close the deal, but a strong woman values actions over words. She’s seen it all before, and has learned from her experiences; quick games and cheap words from those who say the same lines every week at the bars won’t get the heart or the attention of a strong woman. She values genuineness, openness, a deep level of emotional intelligence coupled with respect and kindness.

A strong woman understands that most people begin unhealthy relationships because they initially are just looking for sex, and then end up staying together, regardless if they truly fit or not. It’s important to realize that no one is doing any favors by staying in an unhealthy relationship. It’s necessary for both people to grow and for both partners to encourage each other to do so.


As the Buddha famously said, “You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.” Why not spend as much of your own personal time and energy on something, or someone, who is fully capable of reciprocating your level of love and spirit? Why not use your precious time to find someone who meets you at your level and shares your passion for personal growth and for making the world a better place? There’s nothing wrong with being open to dating and also to being completely happy at the same time by yourself, in fact, this is actually the healthiest approach to living a truly satisfying and healthy life.

This is why strong women don’t waste their precious time or energy on assholes, at least not after they’ve identified a person as one after having given them the benefit of the doubt. Strong women really understand that being alone is better than being in an unhealthy relationship that brings you down. Life is too important to waste. Being alone is a pleasure as well, as you’re never lonely when you love the one you’re alone with (yourself).

In life we sometimes settle more often than we should, but chasing our dreams is of tantamount importance so that we can truly live a life without regrets. Be who you want to be. Go where you want to go. Do what you want to do. Live with kindness, respect, and a free and open heart, and don’t let some asshole control your life. It’s YOUR life, make the most of it.

The following video is a wonderful ted talk on having the courage to trust yourself:

See Also: Studies Confirm: The Fragile Male Ego Is Threatened By Intelligent Women

