Home Positive Words Positivity 10 Things That Turn Men On To A Classy Woman (Like You)

10 Things That Turn Men On To A Classy Woman (Like You)


Classy women garner a lot of respect because of the way they carry themselves. They exude confidence and are not fazed about what other people think about them. People are attracted to these types of women because of the confidence, compassion and intelligence they exude. They do not fawn over others or need their attention, they know they are good enough just the way they are.

Here Are 10 Things That Turn Men On To A Classy Woman (Like You)

1. She exhibits emotional control

A classy woman will always maintain her composure, nothing seems to rattle her. It is that “everything is going to be okay” attitude that is very becoming and attractive to others. She doesn’t overextend herself to get attention; she accepts who she is and this is enough.

2. She has intelligent thoughts

A classy lady wants to carry on quality conversations, not just talk fluff. She is well versed on current affairs and will hold her own in a discussion, but do so in a very refined, kind and respectful manner.

3. She is well-groomed, but not overly done-up

Classy women look the part, they wear nice clothing and wear it well. This will not be overdone however, don’t look for the fur coat or the woman dripping with diamonds or reeking of expensive perfume. The classy woman will be tastefully attired.

4. She carries herself well

No slouching or rounded shoulders here. A woman of class carries herself with her head held high and her shoulders back. When a woman of class enters the room you know it, simply by the way she carries herself.

5. She is not needy

If this type of woman wants to spend time with you, consider yourself lucky. She is not in need of your time or friendship, she consciously chooses and wants to be with you. She will never be a burden to you, as she has her own life and is managing just fine.

6. She is compassionate

What really makes a woman classy is what she carries in her heart. A classy person is kind and considerate to all, and doesn’t spend time gossiping or putting others down. If a classy woman walks away from a conversation that has become rude or disrespectful to others, take note.

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7. She doesn’t need to be the center of attention

A classy woman has excellent communication skills, and that means she is an active listener. She doesn’t need to dominate the conversation and will never make it all about her. She’s humble and generally interested in what you have to say. When she does choose to speak she has strong convictions and relays them very well.

8. She takes responsibility for her actions

A classy woman doesn’t blame others if things are not going well. That is typically an unhealthy point of view originating from a state of victim consciousness. A classy woman takes full responsibility over herself, her actions, and her life. Taking responsibility for one’s self grants a lot of power and control over their life, and other people can sense that wonderful choice.

9. She will not be walked on

This woman has a healthy amount of self-esteem and will not put up with nonsense or people who try to take advantage of her. She will quickly move away from these people and not be pulled into the drama.

10. She views aging as the gaining of wisdom

Many people dread the idea of aging, not seeing all the benefits it brings. A classy woman knows that not everyone is given the chance to age, so she remains grateful for this huge blessing. It’s something the rest of us go through, so why try to fight it? Why not embrace it and make the most of it?

As we age we gain numerous beneficial insights and valuable pieces of knowledge. We slow down, and become more mindful and considerate, and are able to help others with our experience. A woman with class and dignity sees these benefits of aging and treasures the opportunity to age well.

Do you know any women who possess these traits? Perhaps you yourself are a classy woman.

Let us know in the comments.

See Also: 10 Signs He Is Secretly In Love With You
