Home Positive Words Quotes Your Mother is your Mother… Nobody can replace her. Nobody can do...

Your Mother is your Mother… Nobody can replace her. Nobody can do half the things she does, or has done for you. Nobody can compare to her. Only God can love you more than she does.


Your Mother is your Mother… Nobody can replace her. Nobody can do half the things she does, or has done for you. Nobody can compare to her. Only God can love you more than she does. She is only one person, but she’s the person that matters the most. No matter where she is, in Heaven or here on Earth, there is nothing like a Mother’s Love.

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Nobody hides pain Better than a Mother who’s trying to remain Strong for Her Child.

The Strength of a Mother is Second to None. Even when she is stressed, when she is facing her own troubles, when she is exhausted both mentally and physically, nothing will stop her from finding the strength she needs to love and care for her children.

Today, I looked around at my family and friends and realized, I’ve won the lottery of life.
~Willy Nywening

When your parents are not rich but still afford to give you a Beautiful life, Appreciate their Sacrifices.

We grow up thinking our parents don’t understand our struggles. The truth is, they made sure we never felt theirs.

I truly appreciate kindness. I appreciate people checking up on me. I appreciate a quick message. I appreciate those who ask if I’m okay. I appreciate every single person in my life who has tried to brighten my days. It’s the little things that matter the most.

There are no Perfect Parents and there are no Perfect Children, but there are plenty of PERFECT MOMENTS along the way.

Sisters Are Second Mothers. She will give you advice, protect you, scold you when needed, but will NEVER tolerate it if someone hurts you.

My Sister is my Forever Friend. I love you to the moon and back.

To all my Family and Friends who listen to me when I’m angry, hug me when I’m sad, and laugh with me (or sometimes at me) whenever they can. I just wanted to say Thank You for being there for me. And I just wanted to tell you I love you!

If you were blessed to know your Grandfather, what is one thing you remember most about him.

No Family Is Perfect… We argue, we fight. We even stop talking to each other at times. But in the end, Family is Family. The LOVE will always be there.

To My Family and Friends: Sometimes I forget to tell you how much I love you! Thank you for being in my life. You are so special to me. Here’s a BIG HUG from me to you.

Spend Time with your parents, treat them well. Because one day when you look up from your phone, they won’t be there anymore.

My greatest treasure is my FAMILY. We are not perfect, but I love them with all my heart.

Wouldn’t you like to step back in time and take a walk with your dad?

My Brother Has The Coolest Sister. I’m Just Saying…

Sisters help you find important things when you have lost them: your Smile, your Hope and Your Courage.

My Daughter… Her Smile makes me Smile. Her Laugh is like an Angel’s. Her Heart is Pure and True. I Love My Daughter with All Of My Heart.

See More: You can’t calm the storm… so stop trying. What you can do is calm yourself. The storm will pass.