Home Positive Words Fun This Dog Who Dressed Up As a Mop Might Have The Best...

This Dog Who Dressed Up As a Mop Might Have The Best Costume Ever


Millions agree that Keki, this sweet Hungarian puli who dressed as a mop, may have the best costume ever.

At the MainStrasse Paw-Rade, a Halloween parade for pets in Covington, Kentucky, Dawn Borntrager of Fresh Start Photo noticed the amazing and hilarious pup and took some great photos which went viral online.


If you’re not familiar with Hungarian pulis, know that they are cute and loving dogs that look like big mops.


Keki’s genius owner, a veterinarian with All Creatures Animal Hospital, was unavailable to comment, but a person mysteriously identified only as “a source close to Keki” told The Dodo that Keki loved “the attention and petting” she got while in costume.

Kiki definitely had a leg up, going to the parade as a mop!

Do you have any great pup costume photos?

Share them with us in the comments!

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