Home Positive Words Quotes The biggest risk is not taking any risk… In a world that’s...

The biggest risk is not taking any risk… In a world that’s changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks.


The biggest risk is not taking any risk… In a world that’s changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks.
~Mark Zuckerberg

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I said I was busy. I was busy, but not in a way most people understand. I was busy taking deeper breaths. I was busy silencing irrational thoughts. I was busy calming a racing heart. I was busy telling myself I am okay. Sometimes, this is my busy, and I will not apologize for it.
~Brittin Oakman

Wake up, smile at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself… This is going to be a wonderful day.

Writing down how you feel is not only good for your mood. Studies show it is also good for your health.

Many decades from now, no one is going to remember you by saying, “She had a really expensive couch and nice shoes.” Don’t make life about stuff. Love and kindness are what matters.

I hope you have the patience and strength to wait for what you really deserve and don’t entertain anything less than that. Everything will soon fall into place. Trust in the divine timing.

It’s not how much we give. It’s how much love we put into giving.
~Mother Teresa

Kindness begins with the understanding that we all struggle.
~Charles Glassman

As long as you are standing, give a hand to those who have fallen.

You just never know what someone is dealing with behind closed doors. No matter how happy someone looks, how loud their laugh is, how big their smile is, there can still be a level of hurt that is indescribable. So be kind. Even when others are not, choose to be kind.
~Andrea Russett

It is not easy to live life sometimes. To face the world with a smile when you’re crying inside. It takes a lot of courage to reach down inside yourself, hold on to that strength and know that tomorrow is a new day; with new possibilities. If you can just hold on long enough to see this through and trust that you can survive this; you’ll come out a new person; stronger, and as long as you don’t give up and keep pushing forward, no matter how hopeless things seem, you will make it.
~Kathy Obara

Do not apologize for being sensitive or emotional. It means you have a big, beautiful, open heart, and that is a gift.

Keep on walking through your storm. Your rainbow is waiting on the other side.
~Heather Stillufsen

Our soul knows that in our heart of hearts, we deeply love everyone. This is why loving kindness is so meaningful; because it resonates with this deep part of ourselves that feels compassion and love for all people.

Have a little faith in humanity. The person you saw at the grocery store secretly prayed that you would have a lovely week. The person you passed by on the street shared a beautiful smile with you. Your family members regularly think about how much they love you. Someone you’ve never met is right at this moment being kind to a homeless person. Life has so many beautiful things to celebrate, always remember how wonderful people are.

Being Single doesn’t mean you’re not gorgeous, delightful or not wanted. It means you know your worth and you’re looking for someone who is worthy of your exquisite self.

From time to time we need to withdraw from people and places to find our own peace. In a world filled with so many speaking and so much designed to distract our attention, returning to the heart, to a calm mind, to a sense of peace, is both rewarding and necessary.

Daring to set boundaries is about having the courage to love ourselves even when we risk disappointing others.
~Brene Brown

The key to being happy is knowing you have the power to choose what to accept and what to let go.

See More: Every time I look at my grandchildren, I think, “Wow, how did I get so lucky?”