Home Positive Words Quotes Thank you to those who hurt me, you made me a stronger...

Thank you to those who hurt me, you made me a stronger person. Thank you to those who cared, you made me feel important. Thank you to those who checked in with me, you let me know that you care.


Thank you to those who hurt me, you made me a stronger person. Thank you to those who cared, you made me feel important. Thank you to those who checked in with me, you let me know that you care. Thank you to those who left me, you showed me not everything lasts forever. Thank you to those who stayed, you showed me the meaning of loyalty. Thank you to all who have entered my life, you helped me become the person I am today.

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~Stacey Jean Spear

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Always help someone.  You might be the only one that does.

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~Her View From Home

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Here’s my gift to you: Stop criticizing yourself, now and forevermore. Love and accept yourself as you are right now. When you do, you’ll blossom in ways that you can’t even imagine. Love will heal you, I promise. Your love for yourself will work miracles in your life.
~Louise Hay

To protect your energy… It’s okay to cancel a commitment. It’s okay to not answer a call. It’s okay to change your mind. It’s okay to want to be alone. It’s okay to take a day off. It’s okay to do nothing. It’s okay to speak up, and it’s okay to let go.

Have you ever quieted your mind, listened to the quiet and subtle movement in your heart, and felt a very small but beautiful feeling of openness and softness arise?

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