Home Positive Words Quotes Nobody’s perfect. We make mistakes. We say wrong things. We do wrong...

Nobody’s perfect. We make mistakes. We say wrong things. We do wrong things. We fall. We get up. We learn. We grow. We move on. We live.


Nobody’s perfect. We make mistakes. We say wrong things. We do wrong things. We fall. We get up. We learn. We grow. We move on. We live!

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Whatever is bringing you down, let it go. You don’t need that negativity in your life. Keep calm and be positive. Good things will happen.

Before going to sleep each night, forgive everyone and sleep with a clean heart.

I have a boy in my class who comes in every morning with messy hair and every day I comb his hair for him. This morning when I got done, he gave me the biggest hug and said, “Thanks Ms. Boyd, my mom is sick and can’t brush my hair anymore, so I’m happy you do it.”
~Lauren Boyd

Tonight before you go to sleep, think of something that makes you smile. There is always something, no matter how difficult the day may have been. You will sleep better, you will feel better once you wake and you will face your new day with a positive mind. Take charge of your happiness.

God has protected me more times than I can count, so I can only imagine the times I’ve been rescued that I don’t even know about. Thank you God for always being there for me, even when I don’t know it. Amen

People need to be encouraged. People need to be reminded of how wonderful they are. People need to be believed in, told that they are brave and smart and capable of accomplishing all the dreams they dream and more. Remind each other of this.
~Stacey Jean Spear

It is not easy to live life sometimes. To face the world with a smile when you’re crying inside. It takes a lot of courage to reach down inside yourself, hold on to that strength and know that tomorrow is a new day; with new possibilities. If you can just hold on long enough to see this through and trust that you can survive this; you’ll come out a new person; stronger, and as long as you don’t give up and keep pushing forward, no matter how hopeless things seem, you will make it.
~Kathy Obara

When life gives you a hundred reasons to break down and cry, show life that you have a million reasons to smile and to be thankful for. Stay Strong.

Let people judge you. Let them misunderstand you. What they think of you isn’t your problem. Their opinions do not pay your bills. So, you stay kind, committed to love, and no matter what they do or say… never doubt your worth or the beauty of your truth. You keep shining.

Small acts have a ripple effect. Tip your server. Return your shopping cart. Pick up a piece of trash. Hold the door for the person behind you. Let someone into your lane. The little things we do for each other, that’s how we change the world.

Be so positive that negative people don’t want to be around you.

Some people could be given an entire field of roses and only see the thorns in it. Others could be given a single weed and only see the wildflower in it. Perception is a key component to gratitude, and gratitude is a key component to joy.
~Amy Weatherly

Someday, everything will make perfect sense. So for now, laugh at the confusion, smile through the tears, and keep reminding yourself that everything happens for a reason.

Follow Your Passion; It will lead you to your purpose.

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