Home Positive Words Quotes My Son: I wish you the strength to face challenges with confidence...

My Son: I wish you the strength to face challenges with confidence along with the wisdom to choose your battles carefully. I wish you adventure on your journey. Listen to your heart and take risks carefully. Remember how much you are loved. I’m so proud of you.


My Son: I wish you the strength to face challenges with confidence along with the wisdom to choose your battles carefully. I wish you adventure on your journey. Listen to your heart and take risks carefully. Remember how much you are loved. I’m so proud of you.

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MY SON… My wish for you is simple… Have the very best life imaginable. Live like you will never grow old, Laugh, giggle, cry if you must… Play as hard as you work, make time for the people and things that you adore. When you sleep have the best dreams that will make you wake up with a smile on your face. And that you always, always know that you are loved. This is my wish for you.

We grow up thinking our parents don’t understand our struggles. The truth is, they made sure we never felt theirs.

I truly appreciate kindness. I appreciate people checking up on me. I appreciate a quick message. I appreciate those who ask if I’m okay. I appreciate every single person in my life who has tried to brighten my days. It’s the little things that matter the most.

Raising kids was my choice. I gave up things and went without for them. I regret nothing. My life was, and will always be, for my children, no matter how big they get. They didn’t ruin my life, they gave me a whole new view of the meaning of life. I couldn’t love them any more than I already do.

Cherish your Life. Cherish your Family. Cherish your Friends. Cherish your Health. For these are the things that money can’t buy and will define your true wealth.

I simply want my family to be healthy and happy, my mind at peace, my friends always safe.

My Son, wherever your journey takes you, laugh more, love more, forgive more and enjoy the ride. Never forget I’m always here for you. Love you so much. Mama

There are no Perfect Parents and there are no Perfect Children, but there are plenty of PERFECT MOMENTS along the way.

Perhaps they are not stars in the sky, but rather openings where our loved ones shine down to let us know they are happy.

To My Son… I sometimes wish you were still small, not yet so big and strong and tall. For when I think of yesterday, I close my eyes and see you play. I often miss that little boy, who pestered me to buy a toy. Who filled my days with pure delight, from early morn to late at night… Today my son I’m proud of you, for all the thoughtful things you do. I’ll love you till my days are done, and I’m so grateful you’re my son.

My greatest treasure is my FAMILY. We are not perfect, but I love them with all my heart.

To My Family and Friends: Sometimes I forget to tell you how much I love you! Thank you for being in my life. You are so special to me. Here’s a BIG HUG from me to you.

Come home and bring your laundry. I love when my children come home. I don’t get the whole “I got them to 18” idea of parenting. Having children is a lifetime commitment. I want my kids to take groceries out of my cabinets when they are 27. I want them to stop by for dinner when it’s their favorite meal at 34. I want them home for Christmas at 48. I want them to know I’m one call away and it doesn’t stop at 18. They are forever my beloved children, and always welcome to come home!

Teach your children to love animals; they will be better adults.

Family is the best thing you could ever wish for. They are there for you during the ups and downs and love you no matter what.

Spend Time with your parents, treat them well. Because one day when you look up from your phone, they won’t be there anymore.

See More: I’ve seen better days. I don’t have everything I want, but I have all I need. I woke up with some aches and pains, but I woke up. My life may not be perfect but I’m blessed.