Home Positive Words Quotes My Son, I closed my eyes for a moment and suddenly a...

My Son, I closed my eyes for a moment and suddenly a man stood where my boy used to be. I may not be able to carry him now in my arms, but I will always carry him in my heart.


My Son, I closed my eyes for a moment and suddenly a man stood where my boy used to be. I may not be able to carry him now in my arms, but I will always carry him in my heart. He has given me so many reasons to be proud of the man he’s become, but my proudest moment is telling others that he is my son. I love him now and forever.

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MY SON… My wish for you is simple… Have the very best life imaginable. Live like you will never grow old, Laugh, giggle, cry if you must… Play as hard as you work, make time for the people and things that you adore. When you sleep have the best dreams that will make you wake up with a smile on your face. And that you always, always know that you are loved. This is my wish for you.

It’s not how big the house is; It’s how Happy the Home is.

The most precious jewels you’ll ever have around your neck are the arms of your children.

Family isn’t always blood. It’s the people in your life who want you in theirs. The ones who accept you for who you are. The ones who would do anything to see you smile, and who love you no matter what.

Not Sisters by blood but Sisters by heart. Name your Sister.

When the milk is splattered all over the floor, and those little eyes are looking at you for your reaction, remember what really matters. It takes 5 minutes to clean up spilled milk; it takes much longer to clean up a broken spirit.
~Rebecca Eanes

A Very Special Sister… For many years we’ve shared our lives, one roof we once lived under. Sometimes we laughed, sometimes we cried, through winter storms and thunder. Younger years have faded fast, we’ve gone our separate ways. But through all time our friendship lasts, our bond in life remains. As summer brings the happy times, the autumn winds will whisper, a closer friend I’ll never find, the one I call my Sister.

Family is not about blood. It’s about who is willing to hold your hand when you need it the most.

To My Son… I sometimes wish you were still small, not yet so big and strong and tall. For when I think of yesterday, I close my eyes and see you play. I often miss that little boy, who pestered me to buy a toy. Who filled my days with pure delight, from early morn to late at night… Today my son I’m proud of you, for all the thoughtful things you do. I’ll love you till my days are done, and I’m so grateful you’re my son.

One of the best things we can do for our children is to have them spend time volunteering at a charity. There they learn real life examples of kindness, compassion and caring for others.

When your parents are not rich but still afford to give you a Beautiful life, Appreciate their Sacrifices.

Because he is your Son… One day as you’re brushing the hair out of your little boy’s eyes, he looks up and gives you a smile that lights you up from the inside out… and you think to yourself… “It doesn’t get any better than this.” But it does… because he grows up and becomes a good man and a good friend, and his smile still lights up your world. I love you Son.

See More: A pretty face gets old, a nice body will change, but a good woman will always be a good woman