Home Positive Words Quotes Life is a circle of happiness, sadness, hard times, and good times....

Life is a circle of happiness, sadness, hard times, and good times. If you are going through hard times, have faith that good times are on the way.


Life is a circle of happiness, sadness, hard times, and good times. If you are going through hard times, have faith that good times are on the way.

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Train your mind and heart to see the good in everything. There is always something to be grateful for.

Whatever comes, let it come. What stays, let it stay. What goes, let it go.

Be loving to everyone, even to those who may be judgmental or seem to be against you. The sun shines for and on everyone, and the rain also brings water to all. Living from a loving place within our hearts is more important than the behavior of anyone.

If they respect you, respect them. If they disrespect you, respect them. Do not lower your integrity for anyone.

Search for a Beautiful Heart, not necessarily a beautiful face. Beautiful people are not always good, but Good People are Always Beautiful.

Help when you can. Be there when you can. Encourage when you can. A truly happy life comes from giving more than you take.

We live in a world which we need to share responsibility. It’s easy to say “It’s not my child, not my community, not my world, not my problem.” Then there are those who see the need and respond. I consider those people my heroes.
~Fred Rogers

Today you could be standing next to someone who is really trying their best not to fall apart. So whatever you do today, do it with kindness in your heart.

I am going to make a very beautiful life for myself no matter what it takes.

To everyone who has felt tired, exhausted or fatigued from this past year: Keep Going. The storm is leaving. Sunshine is coming into view. Beautiful moments are coming into your life. Good times are on their way.

Whatever you choose in each moment, let unconditional love be your guiding intention.

No matter how good or bad your life is, wake up each morning and be thankful that you still have one.

Be okay with not knowing for sure what might come next, but know that whatever it is, you will be okay. Stay Positive.

Everything will work out in the end. You don’t need to know how. You just have to trust that it will.

Keep Going… Everything will come to you at the Perfect Time.

When life gives you a hundred reasons to break down and cry, show life that you have a million reasons to smile and to be thankful for. Stay Strong.

Small acts have a ripple effect. Tip your server. Return your shopping cart. Pick up a piece of trash. Hold the door for the person behind you. Let someone into your lane. The little things we do for each other, that’s how we change the world.

See More: I call you in the evening, just to chat about my day, to see how things are going, let you know that I’m okay. We laugh, we talk, we gossip, and as the phone call ends, I know that I’m so lucky, that my Sister is my friend