Home Positive Words Quotes Kindness is loving yourself enough to love those around you.

Kindness is loving yourself enough to love those around you.


Kindness is loving yourself enough to love those around you.

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Always help someone.  You might be the only one that does.

“My husband let a lady go ahead of him in a drive thru today. She rolled down her window and said thank you, which would’ve sufficed, but then paid for his order. Bless her because we’ve been having some difficulties lately. Made our day.”

Someone asked me if I still grieve for my loved ones who have passed away. My reply was simple, yes! Until the very last breath I take. We miss them because we loved and still love them so much! Can I hear Amen

I’m so proud of my high school students. They started an in school clothing shelf for students to donate to, and got it set up in the back stage of the theater so that kids can access it in private.
~Sara Valli

We’re often so hard on ourselves. But remember, everybody has a chapter they don’t read out loud. Take a moment. Sit back. Marvel at your life; at the mistakes that gave you wisdom, at the suffering that gave you strength. Despite everything, you still move forward, be proud of this. Continue to endure. Continue to persevere. And remember, no matter how dark it gets, the sun will rise again.

Be the reason someone believes in the Goodness of people.

Hey you, you’re holding on to too many bags. You don’t need to do it all. You don’t need to be it all. You don’t need to carry it all. Do what you can. Be who you are. Only carry what’s important, and put the rest of the bags down. You are loved.
~Amy Weatherly

Take life day by day and be grateful for the little things. Don’t get stressed over what you can’t control. Focus on the positive.

My wish for you… is that this life becomes all that you want it to. Your dreams stay big, your worries stay small. You never need to carry more than you can hold, and while you’re out there getting where you’re getting to, I hope you know somebody loves you and wants the same things too.
~Rascall Flatts

“This morning on my way to work I saw this jogging guy out on the trail by my place. I see him most days. Severely obese. You can tell every step is just painful for him. But I see him most days out there giving it everything he has. Today he was stopped. Hunched over. Crying. I was at the stop sign so I rolled down my car window and shouted, “You got this! You can do it!” He looked up almost in shock and said, “Thank you. I needed to hear that. I was about to give up.” He waved, wiped his face and started back down the trail. It’s a great morning.”

Always believe something wonderful is about to happen.

Life is like a book. Some chapters are sad, some are happy, and some are exciting, but if we never turn the page, we will never know what the next chapter holds.

See More: A single moment of misunderstanding can make us forgot the hundreds of precious moments spent together