Home Positive Words Health Here’s How To Eliminate Skin Tags, Moles, Warts And Age Spots Completely...

Here’s How To Eliminate Skin Tags, Moles, Warts And Age Spots Completely Naturally


Skin imperfections are natural and normal, and everyone has them, but it is also a normal thing to want to get rid of some of these blemishes.

These can be removed by medical professionals, which is usually expensive, or there are remedies you can buy online or at your local pharmacy. While these do work, they also tend to be somewhat expensive.

There are actually many natural methods you can use yourself right at home that will help remove blemishes and save you a lot of money. Listed below are the best at home remedies for skin conditions including skin tags, dark spots, moles, clogged pores and warts. You may even have most of the ingredients right in your kitchen cabinets.


Skin tags are caused by friction of the skin. They are just extra growths of skin that are usually found on the neck, chest, eyelids, and armpits. Here are 3 methods that can help get rid of them:

  • Make a paste of baking soda and castor oil and apply it to the skin tag. Cover with a band aid and leave for a few hours. Do this for 3 days in a row.
  • Soak a cotton ball in water, apply a few drops of tea tree oil on it, and place on the skin tag, covering with a band aid. Leave for a few hours. Repeat this for a few days.
  • Soak a cotton ball in Apple Cider Vinegar and apply it to the tag. Cover with a band aid and leave it to act overnight.


Age or Dark spots appear on any areas that have gotten too much sun as we’ve aged. Here are some methods to try at home to get rid of them:

  • To lighten the spots you can soak a cotton ball in lemon juice and wipe over them.
  • Just by using organic vitamin C serum daily you will rejuvenate the skin and help in the fading of dark spots.
  • Rub fresh aloe vera gel on the dark spots. Leave the aloe on for 30 minutes.
  • Blend a few onions up really well and rub the juice on the affected area. Leave the onion juice on for 15 minutes.


Moles can be genetic or occur from too much time in the sun. Here are 3 methods to help get rid of them.

  • Soak a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and apply it to the mole. Cover it with a band-aid and leave it for 8 hours. Repeat every other day.
  • Cut a garlic clove in half and apply it to the mole. Tape it in place and leave it there for 4 hours. Repeat Daily.
  • You can also try a combination of baking soda and castor oil. Make a paste with the two, apply it to the area, cover with a band-aid, and leave it until the next morning. Repeat every night.


Your pores get clogged from excess dirt and the oil on your skin. When your pores are clogged it makes your skin look uneven and blemished and can cause other problems like acne and pre-mature aging. Here are several ways to fix clogged pores:

  • Wash your face daily.
  • Give yourself a steam by boiling water, leaning over it, and covering your head with a towel (the water does not need to be continuously boiling). Stay over the pot for 15-20 minutes, then rub apple cider vinegar on your face, make sure to not rub it near your eyes as well.
  • Another good way to clean clogged pores is a sugar scrub. Mix lemon juice and sugar until you get a paste, apply the paste to your face and massage gently, then rinse with water.


Warts are a result of the HPV virus and can appear anywhere on the body. Instead of paying top dollar to have them surgically removed you can try these at home remedies:

  • Try rubbing banana peels on the wart. Rub the inside part of the banana peel on your wart daily for a few weeks.
  • Soak a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar, cover with a bandage and leave overnight. Do this daily for a few weeks and eventually the wart will shrink or fall off.
  • Apply some honey on the wart, cover with a band aid and leave on overnight . Do this for a few weeks.
  • Slice a garlic clove and apply to your wart. Cover with a band aid and leave on overnight. Do this for a few weeks.


As you can see, there are ways to avoid spending money on skin-care products that are filled with chemicals. These are easy and natural ways to take care of your skin and the ingredients are found right in your kitchen. If you have any concerns, make sure to have a conversation with your doctor or health care professional before trying any of these methods.

If you have successfully used any of these or have other suggestions please let us know in the comments.

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