Home Positive Words Quotes Brothers who are good uncles are some of life’s finest gifts.

Brothers who are good uncles are some of life’s finest gifts.


Brothers who are good uncles are some of life’s finest gifts.

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Come home and bring your laundry. I love when my children come home. I don’t get the whole “I got them to 18” idea of parenting. Having children is a lifetime commitment. I want my kids to take groceries out of my cabinets when they are 27. I want them to stop by for dinner when it’s their favorite meal at 34. I want them home for Christmas at 48. I want them to know I’m one call away and it doesn’t stop at 18. They are forever my beloved children, and always welcome to come home!

Teach your children to love animals; they will be better adults.

My Brother Has The Coolest Sister. I’m Just Saying…

My Son, wherever your journey takes you, laugh more, love more, forgive more and enjoy the ride. Never forget I’m always here for you. Love you so much. Mama

Why AUNTS are so important? Who says that grandparents and parents are the only important figures in a child’s life? Aunts also play an important role… Children have their parents to raise them and teach them values, but Aunts take on the role as Second Mothers. They’re always there when needed… When mother is tired, an Aunt is ready to jump in and spend time with her little loved ones.

MY SON… My wish for you is simple… Have the very best life imaginable. Live like you will never grow old, Laugh, giggle, cry if you must… Play as hard as you work, make time for the people and things that you adore. When you sleep have the best dreams that will make you wake up with a smile on your face. And that you always, always know that you are loved. This is my wish for you.

It’s not how big the house is; It’s how Happy the Home is.

To My Son… I sometimes wish you were still small, not yet so big and strong and tall. For when I think of yesterday, I close my eyes and see you play. I often miss that little boy, who pestered me to buy a toy. Who filled my days with pure delight, from early morn to late at night… Today my son I’m proud of you, for all the thoughtful things you do. I’ll love you till my days are done, and I’m so grateful you’re my son.

Sometimes, I forget to thank the people who make my life happy in so many ways. Sometimes, I forget to tell them how much I really do appreciate them for being an important part of my life. So thank you, all of you, just for being here for me! Thank You.

One of the best things we can do for our children is to have them spend time volunteering at a charity. There they learn real life examples of kindness, compassion and caring for others.

Family isn’t always about blood relations. It’s about the people in your life who want you in theirs. It’s about people who always want the best for you, no matter what. It’s the people in your life who love you and encourage you to be the best and most loving person you can be.

When your parents are not rich but still afford to give you a Beautiful life, Appreciate their Sacrifices.

Because he is your Son… One day as you’re brushing the hair out of your little boy’s eyes, he looks up and gives you a smile that lights you up from the inside out… and you think to yourself… “It doesn’t get any better than this.” But it does… because he grows up and becomes a good man and a good friend, and his smile still lights up your world. I love you Son.

If years after you are grown, you think back on your Father and your Childhood, and you Smile, you were raised by a Great Man.

My greatest wish is that my children always know how much I love them, and that they walk through the rest of their lives knowing that I will always be there if I can, no matter their age.

To My Dearest Daughter, as you grow older I want you to fly out like a free bird. Go forth  and pursue all your dreams. Live life to the fullest and make sure that your happiness is  second to none. And while you are at it, just remember that every time you need a hug or a place to call your own, I’m always here…

Sisters help you find important things when you have lost them: your Smile, your Hope and Your Courage.

My Daughter… Her Smile makes me Smile. Her Laugh is like an Angel’s. Her Heart is Pure and True. I Love My Daughter with All Of My Heart.

When my hands can’t reach my family and friends, I touch them with my prayers. May God continue to protect them and give them strength to get through the days ahead. Amen

The time you have left is so very precious. Spend it doing things you love, with the people you love.
~Beth Rosen

To all my Cousins: We may not get to see each other every year, but I hope you know that I love you!

See More: Beauty is not what you look like, how much you weigh or how popular you are. Beauty is the love and kindness you share from your heart with those around you