Home Positive Words Quotes Good friends care for each other. Close friends understand each other, but...

Good friends care for each other. Close friends understand each other, but true friends stay forever, beyond words, beyond distance, beyond time.


Good Friends care for each other. Close Friends understand each other, but True Friends stay forever, beyond words, beyond distance, beyond time.

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A good friend is like a four-leaf clover: hard to find and lucky to have.

Thank You to all the people in my life who really care about me. Have a great day! Big Hug.

A True Friend doesn’t care if you’re broke, upset, what you weigh, if your house is a mess, or if your family is filled with crazy people. They love you for who you are.

Good Friends and Time are two things that become more valuable the older we get.

Normalize telling your friends you love them. Tell them a lot.

Some people just make you feel better when you’re around them. They’re sunshine for your soul and medicine for your mind.

The first one to lend a hand usually knows all too well what it feels like to want support.

Treat everyone as if they’re your best friend. Speak kindly, encourage and help where you can. With an attitude of love you can touch the heart of every stranger.

When you have to start compromising yourself or your morals for the people around you, it’s probably time to change the people around you.

When a person with white skin loves someone with black, brown or tan skin, then their heart feels moved to speak up for, to help and to protect everyone with different shades of skin color from unjust treatment by society. This is what “Loving your neighbor as yourself” is all about.

Everyone needs a friend who they probably shouldn’t be allowed to sit next to at a serious function.

Days are too busy, hours are too fast, seconds are too few, but there’s always time for me to remember a friend like you.

Friends, I don’t care what you earn, where you live, your height, your weight, what you drive, if you’re rich or poor. If you’re my friend, you’re my friend. I accept you for who you are and that’s all that matters.

As we go through life, we start to understand that what’s even better than having a lot of friends, is having real ones.

I cannot even imagine where I would be today were it not for the handful of family and friends who have given me a heart full of joy, picked me up when I needed it, supported me when I felt I couldn’t stand, and gave me a fresh perspective to face another year. Thank you. I love you. You know who you are.

A special friend is hard to find, hard to lose, and impossible to forget. True friends are never apart, maybe by distance but not in the heart.

A friend is someone who brightens your day with a smile, a warm hello, or gentle words from the heart. Thank you for your Friendship!

Angels exist but sometimes they don’t have wings and are called FRIENDS.

If you have a Best Friend that you can talk to about anything and they won’t judge you, make sure you keep them in your life.

True Friends are the ones who lift you up when no one else has noticed you’ve fallen.

In case no one told you today: You are beautiful. You are loved. You are needed. You are stronger than you think. You are going to get through this. I’m glad you’re alive. Don’t give up.

Black, White or Brown, We are the Same. We are Human. Let us Unite and Love each other even more.

See More: You can’t calm the storm… so stop trying. What you can do is calm yourself. The storm will pass.