Home Positive Words Quotes Do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace.

Do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace.


Do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace.
~Dalai Lama

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At the end of life, what really matters is not what we bought but what we built; not what we got but what we shared; not appearances but our character; and not our success but our significance. Live a life that matters. Live a life of kindness and love.

Never stop doing little things for others. Sometimes those little things occupy the biggest part of their hearts.

To everyone who is still committed to trying to be an open-hearted and kind person, even while having to process lots of heavy things: Thank You. Stay Strong. Keep Going. You Are Loved.

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others, and if you can’t help them, at least don’t hurt them.
~Dalai Lama

Even if we disagree about everything we can still be kind to each other.

I’m not impressed by money, social status or job titles. I’m impressed by the way someone treats other human beings.

Every day… Forgive those who hurt you, Pray for those who need it, and Thank God for everything you have.

If we all do one random act of kindness daily we just might set the world in the right direction.
~Martin Kornfeld

There’s nothing so Kingly as Kindness, and nothing so Royal as Truth.

Life is a circle of happiness, sadness, hard times, and good times. If you are going through hard times, have faith that good times are on the way.

Take care of yourself. Go for a walk, get a haircut, eat your favorite food, read a book, cry if you need to and take a vacation. Do what you need to do. Take care of yourself, because at the end of the day, you are all you’ve got.

A Calm Mind silently and strongly supports our well-being and helps us to focus on possibilities and forget problems. Stay calm and wake up every day to an awesome life of happiness and miracles.

Learn to trust the journey even if you don’t understand it. Sometimes what you never wanted or expected turns out to be what you need.

Always end your day with a positive thought and a grateful heart.

The people you will always remember are the ones who made you feel loved when you were at your lowest.
~Brigitte Nicole

“Friday after leaving the hospital my son stopped at McDonalds for breakfast, and the car ahead of us bought our breakfast, so we gave the girl at the window 20 dollars for the next car behind us. Thank you to the people who bought our breakfast.”

I guess the real fact of the matter is, we don’t know what tomorrow is going to bring, and the only thing we really have is right now. So don’t stay angry for too long, and learn to forgive. Love your friends and family with all your heart. Have fun and live your life the way you want to live it. Most of all, be kind.

Never apologize for leaving a situation to make yourself happier. Your health matters and your happiness is important.

If you ever feel like giving up, just remember there is a little boy or little girl watching, who wants to be just like you.

See More: A mother’s love does not set with the sun. It blankets you all through the night.