Home Positive Words Quotes Mother: Someone who will love you unconditionally until her last breath.

Mother: Someone who will love you unconditionally until her last breath.


Mother: Someone who will love you unconditionally until her last breath.

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The older I get, the more I realize that my Mother was my Best Friend I’ve ever had.

I heard my mom asking our neighbor for some salt. We had salt at home, so I asked her why she was asking. She told me, “They don’t have much money and they sometimes ask us for things, so I asked for something small that wouldn’t burden them. I want them to feel as if we needed them too. That way, it will be much easier for them to ask us for anything they need.”

Not being biologically related to a child doesn’t make you any less of a parent. Being a real parent isn’t in the DNA, it’s in the Heart.

If I could give my daughter 3 things, it would be the confidence to always know her self-worth, the strength to chase her dreams and the ability to know how truly, deeply loved she is.

A Daughter is one of the most Beautiful Gifts the world has to give.

Mom is tired. Mom is stressed. Mom is trying… but mom won’t give up. Shout out to all the Moms giving it all.

The most precious jewels you’ll ever have around your neck are the arms of your children.

Being a Mother is the most important job in the world. Being a Grandmother is the Most Fun.

I love my DAUGHTER with all my Heart. She is my Forever Friend.

In Loving Memory of my Mother. I wish that I could be with you one last time; hear you laugh, see you smile. You are always in my heart, but it’s not the same. I miss you dearly.

I never want my kids to mess up and think, “Mom’s going to be so angry with me.” I want their first thought to be, “I need to call my Mom.”

If you ever feel like giving up, just remember there is a little boy or little girl watching, who wants to be just like you.

Just because she’s your mother and she’s going to love you forever, it doesn’t mean you can treat her any old way and think it doesn’t matter. Her heart still hurts if you seem angry with her. It doesn’t matter how old you are, or how old she is; treasure your Mother. You’ll never have another one.

Love your parents. We are so busy growing up, we often forget they are also growing old.

Mama I miss your voice. I miss your smile. I miss how much you loved me. I’m missing you today so much.

Always kiss your children goodnight, even if they’re already asleep.

Call your mom, call your dad. If you’re lucky enough to have a parent or two alive on this planet, call them. Don’t text. Don’t email. Call them on the phone. Tell them you love them, and thank them, and listen to them for as long as they want to talk to you.
~J.K. Simmons

Mom, I know that behind those soft and comforting hugs is a woman whose heart is strong, and whose soul is selfless… I love you.

Even a Strong Woman needs a shoulder to lean on, someone who’ll just listen as tears roll down her face, and remind her that no matter how far she’s fallen, she’ll get back up again, stronger and wiser than before.

A Mother is your first friend, your best friend, your forever friend.

See More: Breathe in peace… Breathe out stress… Breathe in calmness… Breath out tension… You are doing a wonderful job and are perfect just the way you are.