Home Positive Words Quotes When I was 12 I babysat this girl for a few years...

When I was 12 I babysat this girl for a few years and she would come to me and show me her art; drag me by my hand and point at the pieces she’d made during the week.


“When I was 12 I babysat this girl for a few years and she would come to me and show me her art; drag me by my hand and point at the pieces she’d made during the week. She would ask me to “do the voice” and I’d put on a sports-announcer Olympics-style voice and be like, “Such form! This level of coloring! Why I haven’t seen such perfection in crayola in a long time! And what is this? Why Jeff, now this is a true risk… it seems she’s made… a monochrome pink canvas… I haven’t seen this attempted since winter of 1932… and I gotta say Jeff, it’s absolutely splendid” and she’d fall back giggling. At the end of every night, she’d check with me: “Did you really like it?” and I’d say yes and talk about something I noticed and tucked her in. She was just accepted into 3 major art schools. She wrote me a letter. Inside was a picture from when she was younger. Monochrome pink. “Thank you,” it said, “to somebody who saw the best in me.”

Some people just make you feel better when you’re around them. They’re sunshine for your soul and medicine for your mind.

The first one to lend a hand usually knows all too well what it feels like to want support.

My Daughter She’s my best friend. I’m not sure what I did to deserve her but I am thankful every day to have her. She’s wonderful, strong and I could not imagine my life without her. I love her so much.

COUSINS are Ready-Made Friends for Life that will Love you Forever. Treasure them.

A friend is someone who brightens your day with a smile, a warm hello, or gentle words from the heart. Thank you for your Friendship!

Angels exist but sometimes they don’t have wings and are called FRIENDS.

Every sunrise is an invitation for us to arise and brighten someone’s day.

Happiness is having a Husband who is also your Best Friend.

Name that Long Distance Friend who you are missing very much now.

I love it when someone’s Laugh is Funnier than the Joke.

If a Friendship last longer than 7 years, psychologists say it will last a LIFETIME.

People come and go in your life, but the right ones will always stay.

The older I get, the more I realize that my Mother was my Best Friend I’ve ever had.

I call you in the evening, just to chat about my day, to see how things are going, let you know that I’m okay. We laugh, we talk, we gossip, and as the phone call ends, I know that I’m so lucky, that my Sister is my friend.

A Strong Friendship doesn’t need daily conversation or being together. As long as the relationship lives in the heart, true friends never part.

I want to thank the few very special people in my life who check up on me from time to time. That means so much to me… Yes, more than you know.

Every woman needs a “no matter what friend.” Someone she can call no matter what. Someone she can vent to, no matter what. Someone she doesn’t have to explain herself to, no matter what.

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