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Stay Single Until You Find A Man Who Will Do These 5 Things


Finding pure, deep, real, genuine, once-in-a-lifetime kind of love is not the easiest thing to do, yet relationship psychologists are certain that within each group of roughly one thousand people, there exists a perfect match for you.

How do you know when you’ve met the one for you? It’s sometimes hard to discern when you’re in the heat of the moment; is this guy really a solid match for me or are we just thriving on the initial fires of passion? You can save yourself a lot of confusion and potential heartache if you look for specific indicators of how he will treat you once the romance stage of your relationship begins to fade. The following list contains 5 must-haves if you want to be respected, be loved, and ultimately be happy and satisfied in a relationship.

Stay Single Until You Find A Man Who Will Do These 5 Things

1. Stay single until you find a man who will be willing to solve your relationship problems together with you.

You deserve a man who won’t ignore or brush off conflicts or misunderstandings between you two. Instead, he will be willing to patiently and lovingly listen to you and talk through every issue that comes up. To him, intimacy and a strong bond is deeply important, and he makes sure to heal any small frustrations, irritations or hurts that come between you two. You can be sure that he will spend his valuable time and effort coming up with a win-win solution for the two of you and your relationship together.

If he says something that hurts your feelings, he also won’t blame you for it or accuse you of being too sensitive or dramatic. Instead, he will apologize and discuss with you how he can communicate better to express his feelings and needs in a safe and comfortable way that won’t hurt you. He truly loves you, so your emotional well-being is very important to him.

2. Stay single until you find a man who honors your spirit; Doesn’t try to change who you are.

No one enjoys being with someone who is going to try and control them and dampen their spirit. You want someone who loves you just the way you are and isn’t trying to change you in any way shape or form. If someone doesn’t like the way you dress, how much you weigh, or who you hang out with, maybe he isn’t a solid match for you. Don’t let anyone bring you down for the sake of a relationship; there is always someone out there who will honor, respect and love you for being the natural and beautiful way you already are!

3. Stay single until you find a man who treats you and your relationship as a priority

We’ve all heard the saying that you should never make someone a priority when all you are to them is an option. No truer words have been spoken. Go for the guy who will support you and treats you like you really are his number one priority. The man who works to improve himself so that he can be a better man and can love you and himself even more is the one worth keeping.

4. Stay single until you find a man who can make you laugh, even during hard times

Laughter and joy are so important in our lives. It makes the hard times easier to get through and keeps us on an even keel no matter what is going on in the world. A guy who has an optimistic outlook on life will be the one you want around when the going gets tough. If he is upbeat and happy, that’s a great sign that he will be able to help you both weather life’s storms. Being together with an optimistic man can make a longterm relationship, and your lives, a total joy.

5. Stay single until you find a man who is trustworthy

Nothing is worse than that feeling that you can’t trust someone; guys who are unclear in their activities and cause you unnecessary doubt about them as to where they are or who they’re texting. If you find yourself wanting to go through his phone to see who he’s been talking to, the two of you need to either openly communicate about it, or you need to realize that you do not trust him and that this type of relationship is not going to let you rest in any type of sense of security.

Wait for a man with integrity, who keeps his word and abides by his own standards. Find a man you can trust to make good decisions that are driven by principles instead of convenience. Choose someone who strives to be the best possible version of himself and who also brings out the best in you.

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