Home Positive Words Quotes Sisters are more than sisters. They’re best friends who are always there...

Sisters are more than sisters. They’re best friends who are always there to share laughter and wipe tears.


Sisters are more than Sisters. They’re best friends who are always there to share laughter and wipe tears.

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I simply want my family to be healthy and happy, my mind at peace, my friends always safe.

Sisters Are Second Mothers. She will give you advice, protect you, scold you when needed, but will NEVER tolerate it if someone hurts you.

Sister, in these difficult times, I realize how important you are to me. We might not see each other these days, but you are always in my Heart. Love you to the moon and back.
~Helene Lerner

Family is the best thing you could ever wish for. They are there for you during the ups and downs and love you no matter what.

I truly appreciate kindness. I appreciate people checking up on me. I appreciate a quick message. I appreciate those who ask if I’m okay. I appreciate every single person in my life who has tried to brighten my days. It’s the little things that matter the most.

Family is anyone who says “We will get through this together.”

I’d walk through fire for you Sister. Well, not fire. That’s dangerous. But a super humid room, but not too humid because you know, my hair.

When my hands can’t reach my family and friends, I touch them with my prayers. May God continue to protect them and give them strength to get through the days ahead. Amen

The time you have left is so very precious. Spend it doing things you love, with the people you love.
~Beth Rosen

To all my Cousins: We may not get to see each other every year, but I hope you know that I love you!

Sometimes, I forget to thank the people who make my life happy in so many ways. Sometimes, I forget to tell them how much I really do appreciate them for being an important part of my life. So thank you, all of you, just for being here for me! Thank You.

One of the best things we can do for our children is to have them spend time volunteering at a charity. There they learn real life examples of kindness, compassion and caring for others.

Family isn’t always about blood relations. It’s about the people in your life who want you in theirs. It’s about people who always want the best for you, no matter what. It’s the people in your life who love you and encourage you to be the best and most loving person you can be.

Sister… I hope that my Sister knows how much she means to me. She fills my heart with joy. I will always love her. SHE’S MY FOREVER FRIEND.

Sisters take care of each other, watch out for each other, comfort each other, and are there for each other through thick and thin.

My greatest treasure is my FAMILY. We are not perfect, but I love them with all my heart.

Sisters help you find important things when you have lost them: your Smile, your Hope and Your Courage.

My Sister is my Forever Friend. I love you to the moon and back.

SISTERS are like seashells, snowflakes and precious works of art. Each is a unique beautiful TREASURE that can never be duplicated or replaced.

My Brother Has The Coolest Sister. I’m Just Saying…

See More: I love that feeling when you talk stuff out with someone and you both become aware that neither of you were wrong. You just saw the scenario differently. Talking really should be about seeing things from their perspective, rather than the need to be right.