Home Positive Words Health 9 Easy Stretches To Help Release Lower Back And Hip Pain

9 Easy Stretches To Help Release Lower Back And Hip Pain


Hip tension and lower back pain affects more than 30 million people between the ages of 20 and 64 around the world. It can make everyday experiences such as sitting down, getting up, or even resting, feel uncomfortable and sometimes hurt.

Much of our current lifestyles tend to be generally sedentary, and these levels of inactivity can lead to tight muscles and the resulting pain. Shoulders, abdominals, glutes, hip joints and the lower back can all become weaker if not stretched properly and regularly.

The most common muscle which causes tension and discomfort for people is the psoas muscle. The psoas is the body’s deepest flexor and is directly linked to the lumbar spine.

When this important muscle is tight, it can cause stiffness, aches, and intense hip pain. Fortunately, there are some wonderful and natural ways you can relax and relieve this pain and tension; by using these deeply enjoyable stretches.

The Mayo Clinic explains that these are the top five benefits of stretching:

Increased flexibility and joint range of motion: Flexible muscles can improve your daily performance. Tasks such as lifting groceries, bending over to tie your shoes or hurrying to cross a street become easier and less tiring. Flexibility tends to decrease as we age, but we definitely can regain and maintain it.

Improved circulation: Stretching increases healthy blood flow to your muscles. Blood flowing to the muscles brings nourishment, oxygen and gets rid of waste byproducts in the muscle tissue. Improved circulation can also help us shorten our recovery time if we’ve had any muscle injuries.

Better posture: Frequent stretching helps keep our muscles from getting too tight, allowing us to maintain the body’s proper posture. Good posture has a load of wonderful health benefits and reduces stress on the inner organs, and it also minimizes discomfort and aches and pains.

Stress relief: Stretching relaxes tight, tense muscles that store and cause stress in the body. Numerous studies have shown the link between stretching and stress relief.

Enhanced coordination: Maintaining the full range-of-motion through your joints helps us keep better balance. Coordination and balance keeps us mobile and less prone to injury from falls, especially as we age.

Here Are 9 Easy Stretches That Help Release Lower Back And Hip Pain:

1. Child’s Pose

Start on all fours, with the toes together and the knees open wide towards the outside.

Sit back on the heels, put your hands forward on the floor in front of you, and lean forward while trying to touch your forehead to the floor.

Start walking with the hands even further forward while keeping the arms straight, and feel the muscles in your back relaxing. Relax, and hold for half a minute.

2. Figure Twist

Lay down on the back, with both feet on the ground, hips-width apart, and the knees bent. Bring the right knee up, and bend it down to the left over your left leg and touching the floor. Hold the knee to the ground with the left arm, and raise your right arm to the sky. Then slowly, try to touch your right hand and shoulder to the ground.

Hold for 30 seconds, really enjoy your stretch and the relaxation you feel, and then repeat on the other side.

3. Supine Figure 4


Lying on the floor on the back, bend both knees and place both feet on the floor.

Bring the left knee up and let the left ankle rest on the right knee. Then, hold your right upper thigh with both hands, and slowly pull your right leg and knee towards your upper body.

Hold the shoulders and head on the floor during this stretch. Hold for 30 to 60 seconds, and then repeat with the other leg.

4. Happy Baby

Lay down on the back, bend the knees and bring them to your chest. Try to reach and grab the big toes or ankles with your hands, while pressing your back to the floor. Relax into this pose, holding for 30 seconds, then bring your legs back to the floor.

5. Seated Twist

While sitting on the floor with both legs extended forward, bend your left knee and pull your left leg towards your chest. Sit up straight, place your left hand behind you, and raise your right hand up. The bring your right elbow on top of your left knee, and twist the upper body to the left. Use your right elbow to gently push the left knee to the right side.

Hold this posture for 20 to 30 seconds, then release and do the same with the other leg.

6. Runner’s Lunge

With both feet on the floor and hands on the floor in front of them, step back with the right leg, while bending the left knee, and stand on the right toes. To make it easier, it’s okay to put the right knee on the ground.

Hold this stretch for 30 seconds, then repeat with the other leg.

7. Cow Face Legs

On all fours, bring your left leg in front and across the right leg, then sit down with your sit bones on the floor. Sit up straight again, holding this stretch for 30 seconds. Then repeat with the other side.

8. Adductor Opener

Open your legs wide apart with heels on the ground and slowly lower down into a squat position. Point your toes out to the side, and slowly lower your elbows to the ground.

Once in this position, very slowly and gently rock side to side, while feeling the stretch and allowing the hips to open up.

9. Wide-Legged Forward Fold

Stand straight with the feet spread out wider than shoulder’s width with the toes pointed straight forward. Bring your hands to your hips, and slowly bend forward. As your upper body and forehead approaches the floor, bring your hands to the floor, and bring your upper body down as close to your knees and the floor as you feel comfortable with.

Hold for 30 seconds and relax, then very slowly, raise your upper body back to standing position.

These 9 stretches are wonderful ways to release hip and lower back tension and pain.

Before starting there are some important points to remember:

Warm up first: Always remember to do some warmup exercises before going deep into stretches. Walking and other gentle stretches help to warm up cold muscles and gets them ready to be used.

Don’t bounce: Strong bouncing during stretching can lead to unintentional micro muscle tears and possible injury. Instead of bouncing, relax as deeply as you can into each stretch. This will allow the muscles to unfold and release tension.

Focus on a pain-free stretch: If you feel intense pain as you stretch, back up a bit and get to the point where you feel a feeling of stretching, but not intense pain. While a little pain here and there is normal during stretching after a long period of not stretching, be cautious and pay attention to your body so that you don’t over-stretch and tear a muscle.

Relax and breathe freely: In the beginning, make sure you are breathing regularly and enough, rather than holding your breath.

Stretch both sides: Keep your body healthy and balanced by stretching both sides and maintaining physical symmetry.

We hope you enjoy these wonderful stretches and the resulting relief your body feels from them!

Do you practice stretching regularly?

Tell us in the comments.

Have a great and pain-free day!

See Also: What Can The Color Of Urine Say About Your Health?
