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12 Things You Can Do To Help When The Person You Love Suffers Anxiety


Anxiety is a very real issue for many people and it can put strains on a relationship if you do not know how to best handle it. Here are 12 suggestions to help you manage and also support the person who love who suffers with anxiety.

Here Are 12 Things You Can Do To Help When The Person You Love Suffers Anxiety

1. Don’t Take It Personally

Remember this isn’t about you, and the person you love needs your support when things are tough. Rather than get offended or upset when your partner is struggling, try to see past yourself so you can be loving and helpful rather than make the situation worse for the both of you.

2. Take Time To Listen

Sometimes this is the best thing you can do. Just listen. Connect with them, be there to support. You don’t have to have all the answers, just being supportive can be a big help.

3. Understand Their Situation

Anxiety is very real to someone suffering with it. You need to do all you can to understand the symptoms and how to best support your partner when they are having a tough time.

4. Give Them Space and Down Time

A person with anxiety struggles with crowds and noise and constant go-go action. Understand this and make sure you allow your loved one a chance to simply breathe and to be alone if that is what they need to regain their emotional peace.

5. Never Ask If They Are Okay, When It’s Obvious They Are Not

This goes back to giving them space. When it is obvious they are in a tough place, don’t make it worse by badgering them. Give your loved one time to work through the anxiety without you pestering them. Even though you may have the best intentions, by hyper focusing on them when they are in a tough spot you can make them even more uncomfortable.

6. Stay With Them and Be Supportive

You may think this contradicts #5, but it really doesn’t. This is about your partner knowing they can trust you and you will not abandon them. This is critical for a person with anxiety to have constants in their life that they can count on and they know will always be there for them. A good idea is to make a plan together of how you can meet your loved one’s needs during their moments of high anxiety.

7. Know And Support Them Trying To Change

We all resist change, but for someone with anxiety it is even harder. Going out of their comfort zone is something that puts undue stress on a person with anxiety and this can be hard for those around them. This is when you can be supportive and encouraging for your loved one, even celebrating the smallest victories of positive change.

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8. Try To See Anxiety From A Different Perspective

This goes back to number 3 in that we need to learn about anxiety and learn to appreciate it if we are going to lovingly live with someone who suffers from it. One thing an anxious person can teach you is to be more aware of your surroundings and hyper vigilant around other people. You can also appreciate their thoughtfulness and how much they care for you and your safety if they tend to worry about you.

9. Don’t Push Too Hard

Anxious people are on high alert constantly and this is tiring. They probably won’t be able to do all of the things you may want to do. Constant pushing or nagging is not going to change or help things either. Instead, reassure them that it’s okay to take it slow, and that they don’t need to feel pressure or guilt about this. You accept them for who and how they are.

10. Have A Back Up Plan

It may be wise for you to have a plan if your partner does not feel up to going out or needs to leave a situation quickly. If it is something you really want to do, you should be able to do it and to meet your needs as well, so begin by having a conversation with your partner about a plan if he or she does not feel like doing something or needs to bail. You should not stop living your life all together when coping with anxiety, so pre-planning is a wise thing to do.

11. Always Be Honest and Make Sure They Can Trust You

Someone with anxiety does not need undue stress and worry by about not being able to trust you. Make sure you are always upfront and honest and your motives are in the right place.

12. Love Them More

What a better way to build a stronger loving relationship than surviving a challenging time together as a team. If you can love someone at their worst, imagine how good it will be when they are at their best! Always be loving and kind to your partner and your love will grow. They will also deeply appreciate your sincere effort and caring and this can open their hearts more for you.

In Conclusion

Anxiety is extremely challenging for the person going through it and it can be difficult for those who love them. By learning more about the condition and using the suggestions above, it should be easier for you as an observer to get through. Just always remember to be loving, supportive and kind.

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