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10 Ways To Supercharge Your Dopamine Levels To Never Feel Sad, Stressed Or Depressed


Been feeling sad, stressed or depressed lately? It’s likely that a natural surge in dopamine could be just what you need.

Dopamine is an organic chemical of the catecholamine and phenethylamine families that plays several important roles in the brain and body. Dopamine is naturally synthesized in plants, most animals and in humans. In the brain, dopamine functions as a neurotransmitter—a chemical released by neurons (nerve cells) to send signals to other nerve cells. The anticipation of most types of rewards increases the level of dopamine in the brain, and dopamine is associated with feelings of euphoria, bliss, motivation, and concentration. It motivates us to accomplish great things even when the payout isn’t immediate or right in front of us.

There are some wonderful and natural ways that we can increase our brain’s dopamine levels, allowing us to stay focused, productive, happy and motivated. If you’re interested in being productive and getting things done, while also feeling good about it, here are a few ways to boost your natural dopamine levels.

Here Are 10 Ways To Supercharge Your Dopamine Levels To Never Feel Sad, Stressed Or Depressed


The production of dopamine is triggered in our brains when we discover something new and exciting in front of us. Our ancestors experienced blissful increases in dopamine when they discovered abundant new herds to hunt or areas of fruit to harvest.

While today it may not be realistic to explore the wilds in search of food, we do have a wonderful tool that allows us to discover new and exciting things: the internet. The internet is a treasure trove full of new ideas, music and educational videos. Spend some time reading about or watching a topic that is new and deeply interesting to you, and you’ll have boosted your dopamine levels!


Studies have revealed that when we listen to music we really like, dopamine is released in the brain as a response. Even the anticipation itself of hearing music that gets you excited increases dopamine levels in the brain.

If you haven’t listened to your favorite tunes in a while, consider giving them a go again, and also look online for great new music and mixes that are available all over Youtube.


One of the most powerful and effective ways to supercharge your dopamine levels is through getting enough exercise. The body naturally loves moving as it indicates to the brain on a prehistoric level that likely some form of reward is being moved toward to receive. Exercise helps the brain to release the feel good hormones of serotonin, endorphins and also dopamine.

Try a regular yoga class, spend 30 to 60 minutes at the local gym, find a new exercise video on Youtube and give it a try in your living room; do whatever it takes to increase your dopamine levels naturally and to feel happy.


Tyrosine is one of the primary building blocks of dopamine, so it’s important to make sure that you have sufficient levels of this protein available. There are a wide variety of foods that have great amounts of tyrosine:








-Green Tea





Lipopolysaccharides (LPS), also known as endotoxins, can be damaging to health and to the immune system, and they also inhibit the production of dopamine. LPS are found in large amounts in fatty and sugary foods, so it’s important to limit your intake of them to keep your dopamine levels high. While your tongue might scream with joy when eating sugary and fatty foods, dopamine levels are dropping and allowing stress, sadness and depression to creep back in.

Make sure to eat a lot of probiotic foods, such as yogurt, kefir and kimchi. Get adequate amounts of sleep as well.


Dopamine is also released in the brain after we finish a task, both for big and small tasks. Make a list each day of the tasks you want to accomplish, or even the ones you know you will accomplish as a regular daily routine, and after you complete them your brain will reward you with some feel good dopamine. Most all books on self-improvement in the realm of business advise to make a top 5 list each day that you want to complete each day, and it’s likely that the natural release of dopamine that occurs in this practice helps propel people forward towards success.


A streak is simply a visual reminder of how many consecutive times we have achieved something. It’s a visible sign that reminds of us our past wins, helping us to feel good about ourselves, because it’s releasing dopamine in the brain. Ever wonder why so many people love having trophies and awards in their offices and homes for all to see? It makes them feel good about themselves, as their brains are releasing dopamine each time they are reminded of their wonderful achievements.

Put visual reminders of things you’re proud of about yourself around where you spend a lot of your time each day and be prepared to get a supercharge of natural dopamine each time you see them.


Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a condition where people feel sad or depressed during the winter season when they are not exposed to enough sunlight and are staying indoors when it’s cold. Studies have shown that extended periods of low sunshine exposure decrease dopamine levels, while higher amounts of sunshine exposure increase dopamine levels.

One study of 68 healthy adults found that those who received the most sunlight exposure in the past month had the highest density of dopamine receptors in the reward and movement regions of their brains.

Long story short; get outside and let some of that healthy sunshine into your eyes to feel healthy and great.


When we are creating or building something, our minds are deeply engaged, and having a finished product releases dopamine in our brains. Try cooking a new meal, or even taking up a new hobby such as photography, arts and crafts, painting or gardening.


Meditation is the practice of clearing the mind of thoughts by focusing on the body, breathing and on the present moment. Allow your thoughts to occur, and then to float away without judgment. Stay rested and focused on the body and the heart.

One study found that a one-hour meditation can increase dopamine levels by 64% when compared to simply sitting quietly.

Overall, it’s a good idea to make sure you’re doing everything you can to keep your dopamine levels high and to keep your feelings and mood happy. Use these 10 methods and prepare to see your stress and depression melt away, replaced by health, happiness and peace. You can do it!

Keep the positivity going and remember to share this article online.

More Positivity: 11 Quotes To Remember When You’re Feeling Stressed Or Overwhelmed
