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10 Signs He Is Secretly In Love With You


If you’re anything like Rachel Green, then you may be living each day completely unaware of the subtle tells that reveal how many men are secretly interested in you. The question is, how does one spot their Ross Geller? This article will help you know if a guy is actually interested, or better yet, already falling for you.

If you a man in your life showing any of these 10 signs, he may be on the verge of falling in love with you:

Here Are 10 Signs He Is Secretly In Love With You:

1. He remembers what you tell him

If someone is really into you, they are tuned into you completely and will remember things you have told them. Having a good listener is such a gift and in today’s world. This is rare, so if your guy friend remembers every little detail that you told him days ago, he is really into you.

2. He respects you

This respect can take many forms. From opening doors for you, to always having your back. Someone who loves you truly respects you and you know it. They don’t ever make you feel less than.

3. He takes care of you

When you are under the weather, is your guy friend at your beck and call to take care of you? This is a sign that he truly cares for you. Many people say “let me know if you need anything” but few actually show up and do what you need without you having to ask. If you’ve got a friend who does that, he’s a keeper and quietly in love with you.

4. He says “we” and “us” when talking

You might easily overlook this, but it is an indicator that he views you two as a couple. So tune in when your guy friend is speaking to others, does he use “we” and “us” often? If so, he sees your relationship as very important in his life.

5. He shows you affection

Does your guy sit real close to you, or touch your arm when speaking? Does he offer his hand to you when it is icy outside or you are navigating stairs? Physical touching is a small giveaway that he wants to be physically close and intimate with you. By showing you affection, he is showing you he loves you and cares for you.

6. He checks in with you and keeps you updated

If a guy is really into you, he will randomly check in with a quick text or call. When someone does this, be sure that you are on their mind, and this happens a lot when someone is falling in love. “How’s your day going?” may seem insignificant, but it means he’s thinking of you. He will also let you know what he’s doing or what’s going on in his life. This means he trusts and respects you a whole lot.

7. Time with you is important to him

If your guy friend makes it a priority to be with you, that’s a good sign that he truly cares. Everyone is very busy these days, but if we really care about someone, we find the time to be with them, and we don’t make excuses. If this is the case in your relationship, it might be heading for more than a friendship.

8. He smiles and laughs a lot when with you

Laughter and joy are so important to being happy in life and if you’ve got a friend that seems to smile a lot around you and laugh a lot, he’s going to want more of that. If he constantly has a smile on his face when you are around, he is showing you how joyful it feels to be with you, and he’s likely trying to make you laugh so that you’re also more into him. Unfortunately, guys aren’t always raised to show their emotions, so if he is showing you his happy and playful side, you can tell through his openness and vulnerability that he’s probably falling for you.

9. He is open and honest with you

Another thing men don’t always do is openly share their feelings with others, so if your guy friend is dishing all his secrets to you, he cares a whole lot about you and feels incredibly comfortable around you. He’s giving you a signal that he trusts you deeply, which is a tell that he’s into you.

10. He tells you how much he misses you if you don’t hang out for a day or two.

If you hear that he missed you if you haven’t been available for a few days, that means he is emotionally attached to you and went through a sort of withdrawal when not seeing you. This is a sure sign that he’s in love with you, as he finds himself lost if you are not around.

What’s amazing is sometimes these things are happening and both of you may be oblivious to how deep and connected your souls are. If someone is giving you several or more of these signals listed above, chances are they have already or are in the process of falling in love with you.

Also, if someone treats you like this, keep him around, it is solid gold to have someone who cares so deeply for us and wants the best for us.

See Also: This Is Your Perfect Soulmate, According To Your Zodiac Sign
